miss Maryia Vialichka — Miss World Belarus 2013 The Photo Report Vitebsk Belarus event date: 21.07.2013 In the photo: Maryia Vialichka In the photo: Maryia Vialichka In the photo: Maryia Vialichka In the photo: Maryia Vialichka In the photo: Maryia Vialichka To view this gallery,you have to enable JavaScript in your browser In the photo: Maryia Vialichka In the photo: Maryia Vialichka In the photo: Maryia Vialichka In the photo: Maryia Vialichka In the photo: Maryia Vialichka article prepared by mod-no.com photo: Raman Leanovich, "Fashion feet" persons: Maryia Vialichka specific looks: lilacevening dress black swimsuit white fur coat lime top black trousers printedevening dress silver sandals multicolored dress white bag published on 21.07.2013